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Locality: Springfield, Georgia

Address: Pine and Early St 31329 Springfield, GA, US

Website: historiceffinghamsociety.com

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Effingham Festival 07.11.2020

Saturday, April 12, 2014 from 9 AM to 5 PM At corner of Pine & Early Streets Across from the Old Courthouse in Springfield Effingham Museum... Displays from pre-historic to 1960 including Native American Indians, Civil War, Veterans Room, and the Old Jail with Infirmary and cells Living History Site Twelve buildings dating from 1790 to 1950, houses furnished, barn, blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, Blandford Depot, Demonstrations of old crafts and handwork All Day Long Vendors with crafts, food, bake sales, Tractors, Cars, Music bands, solo artists, rambling musicians, children’s activities, Bouncing features, food and fun and more! Doll and Quilt Show Antique dolls and beautiful handmade quilts displayed in the Herman and Ruth Gnann Home. Plant and book sale.

Effingham Festival 20.10.2020

Effingham Festival 2014 will be on April 12th, from 9am - 5pm